Monday, November 29, 2004

ESL Comments

Poems are a great way of practicing writing skills. Every year I work with my ESL students with metaphors and similes. After they have an idea of how to use them, I encourage them to begin writing their own poems. At the end of the year, I collect all their best work and I publish it in a book named “First Poems.” Our students need to be challenged and should not be left behind.
The following are examples of two outstanding poems I read last year from two of my students.

Kelly Rivera

The Snow speaks to the people when it falls.
It rests its body for a while on the branches of the trees.
Everybody hears the snow’s voice.
From its beautiful voice you only hear poignant songs.
The Snow feels wounded when its sweet skin is hurt, but it feels genial when the children enjoy its soft and hard body. When it falls, it is the reason of displeasure for a lot of people. The world forgets that its soul decorates Christmas. It makes the streets joyful with its delicate snowflakes.
You think and admire for a second the wonderful reasons of its fall.

Who Am I?
Darwin Delgado
I am like the river that flows in the mountain.
Its waters have life.
I am like the oak tree, which is the tallest in the forest.
I am like a rainbow above the marsh.
I am like the eagle flying in the sky.
I am like the strong sun in the summer.
I am like the sky around the Earth.
I am like the rain falling above the flowers.
I am like the smile that heals the soul.
I am who I am


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