Saturday, December 04, 2004

Musical genious

Last Sunday “60 Minutes” did a profile on a 12-year- old boy named Jay Greenberg. He currently studies at the famous Juilliard School. According to various musical experts, he is considered the greatest musical genius to come in 200 years. He is so talented that he has already written 5 symphonies by the age of 12. He says that he always writes down the first thing that comes to his head on paper without having to make any revisions. He says that he doesn’t have to. Sam Adler, a musical genius, made a comment on the program that Beethoven was never satisfied with what he wrote. Adler feels that if Jay Greenberg learns to do that, he will grow more in the musical field. In other words, revisions are important. We need to be humble enough to accept changes in our life and work.


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