Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Squirrel on the Run

Enrique Batista

Last summer, I was watching television, nothing out of the ordinary, until one unexpected guest came to my room. I said, “ De donde salio esa ardilla, “because all the windows were closed and the air conditioner was on. The squirrel jumped downstairs like a crazy frog and did a perfect landing on the carpet. I thought that the squirrel belonged to the family downstairs, maybe their pet, don’t know, but not unusual because they love animals. They have two dogs and one strange hamster, which makes noises like an angry mob.

I was curious to find out from where that squirrel came from, so I was paying attention if it would make her show again. I was like a spectator on a Broadway show, but watching an empty stage. I was telling myself, “ Talvez ya se fue a un arbol.” I told my little sister, “ what happened?” and then I asked her, “ Do you know what squirrels eat besides corns?” Then, she said, “ Well, rabbits like carrots, and squirrels are almost like rabbits, why don’t you try carrots?” A very innocent idea, but still it was an idea, so I tried but nothing happened. After that, I gave up looking for the squirrel thinking if what I had seen was real, or just a fantasy looking for window to escape


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