Thursday, May 12, 2005

WISH POEMS Posted by Hello

Wish Poems

I wish I was with my brother.
I wish I didn’t have problems.
I wish to be like a mirror.
I wish to know my native country.
I wish to be like water.

I wish to be with my boyfriend.
I wish to be a star.
I wish to be a professional.
I wish to have my family together.
I wish to graduate.

I wish to be someone in the world.
Sometimes I wish to escape from reality.
I wish to be able to express my feelings, without caring
what other people think.
I wish to be able to see my future.
I wish to arrive and be able to see God.

I wish to be someone in my life.
I wish to be a good friend.
I wish to be a professional.
I wish to be a good boy.
I wish to be free.

I wish to be in my country with my family.
I wish to be a professional baseball player.
I wish to have a great summer this year.
I wish to find a good job next summer.
I wish the Mets win the World Series.

I wish I was with my mom.
I wish to be a professional.
I wish to have peace.
I wish I was in my country.
I wish I had my grandmother.

I wish to be in Florida.
I wish to have my grandmother.
I wish to have a family.
I wish to have them for the rest of my life.
Sometimes I wish to be someone.

I wish I had my family here.
I wish to have peace.
I wish I had more friends.
I wish to have happiness with my family.
I wish people listened to me.

I wish to be with my boyfriend.
I wish to be in my country.
I wish to pass all my classes.
I wish to be with my family.

I wish I didn’t have problems.
I wish I could be an excellent daughter.
I wish to have the best father.
I wish to do important things in my life.
I wish to have three children in the future.

I wish I was with my family
and sometimes I need peace.
I wish I was with my grandmother.
and sometimes I need my two brothers.

I wish to get this preoccupation out of my mind.
I wish to fly without reasons.
I wish to understand and be heard.
Sometimes I wish to meet God.
Sometimes I wish to know what people think about me.
Sometimes I wish to know if I will live after death.

I wish to have love.
I wish to be great.
I wish I ran in the fields.
Sometimes I wish to be free like a bird.
Sometimes I wish.

I wish I had more happiness.
I wish I was with my mother.
I wish to have a good life.
Sometimes I wish that all was different.
Sometimes I wish to express my ideas.
Sometimes I wish I had more compassion
with my father.

I wish I was an eagle.
I wish to go to my country with my family.
I wish to know my grandmother.
Sometimes I wish I was the school.
Sometimes I wish I was the sky.
Sometimes I wish I was the moon.

I wish I was a star of the sky.
I wish I was a flower.
I wish to be the breeze.
Sometimes I wish I was the wind.
Sometimes I wish to be the time.

I wish I could be a pilot
and fly faster than light.
I wish my mom could be alive.
I wish that the flowers could come in
December, too.
Sometimes I wish I could be alone.
Sometimes I wish I would not be myself.
And sometimes I wish that the world could
be perfect.

I wish I could change my past to think like a child.
I wish I could be a creator to create my own things.
I wish I could be an X to correct all bad things in life.
Sometimes I wish that I could walk over the sea like Jesus,
and sometimes I wish to be the time to stop the evil of the world.

I wish to have my family with me.
I wish to be whatever I want.
I wish more happiness than sadness.
Sometimes I wish to go back to my country.
Sometimes I wish to fly to a place full of peace.
And sometimes I wish to be sure of myself.

I wish to be with my grandparents.
I wish I can hug them.
I always wish to have them.
Sometimes I wish to fly.
Sometimes I wish to be the same.
And sometimes I wish I didn’t feel anything.

I wish to be better everyday.
I wish to be the best.
I wish to demonstrate positive things.
Sometimes I wish to obey my parents.
Sometimes I wish to give love to them because I want to demonstrate that I love them.

I wish I could be a better daughter.
I wish I could be a better student.
I wish to travel to Colombia.
Sometimes I wish to have a better relationship with my mom.
Sometimes I wish to be with my father.
And sometimes I wish to sleep.

I wish to be better everyday of my life.
I wish I could study Dentistry.
I wish to have happiness and a beautiful destiny.
Sometimes I wish to express my feelings.
Sometimes I wish to tell my dear people that I really love them.
And sometimes I wish they could know that they are very
important in my life.

I wish to be myself.
I wish to be the best.
I wish to have everything that I want.
Sometimes I wish I wish that I can touch the stars.
Sometimes I wish that I had everything in this world.
And sometimes I wish that it was just a wish.

I wish to be a child to have innocence
I wish to be free like a bird.
I wish to feel like the sky because it has no limits.
Sometimes I wish to feel peace.
Sometimes I wish to be intelligent like Einstein.
And sometimes I wish to be like Jesus to have compassion and understanding.

I wish that families lasted forever.
I wish I could be with my mom.
I wish to be with my grandmother.
Sometimes I wish to be perfect.
Sometimes I wish to be in my country.
And sometimes I wish I could live in this country for
all my life.