Thursday, December 09, 2004


R. Milian

Bergenline Avenue is a train, which runs through many towns,
A charming tapestry of countless restaurants where pungent smells
echo the tastes of distant lands.

It is a Geography classroom where languages and cultures intersect
providing the landscape with new shades of colors.

Traffic lights hang like piƱatas giving the street a sense of order as vans and buses
clash for space.

In the summertime, pedestrians walk the sidewalks sometimes smiling sometimes swaying to the rhythm of the music, which flees from cars.

On Halloween, children wearing costumes like monsters and parents looking like real ones beg the storeowners for some sweet candy.

Bergenline, a temporary heaven to recent immigrants, a hope, a new beginning like the changes of each season.

Here, lie the memories of my first aromatic cubano espresso, which I drank in my adolescence and to this day, continue to drink. Las Pupusas Salvadorenas that I started to consume in my childhood while I was in my country making their appearance, to my surprise, on this far away avenue. La Bandeja Paisa made by our Colombian friends, who traveled north and carried this fantastic dish with them.

Bergenline a memorial to those that contributed to its growth and legacy.


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