Friday, December 10, 2004

Mission Statement Activity

Companies usually have mission statements which guide the way in which they carry out their business practices. In order for a mission statement to be purposeful, it needs to be based on true principles. In other words, the company has to really believe in its mission statement in order to function with integrity. In the classroom,we can teach integrity and setting goals by adopting a mission statement for the classroom or an individual one for each student. The follwing is an example of a mission statement created by an ESL student.

Mission Statement

As an ESL student, I will do the best that I can in my class. I will have a positive attitude toward my classmates and the work that I do. I will challenge myself to learn new things because learning new things will build my knowledge. Finally, the work that I do in my class will be a reflection of who I am as a student and as a person.

I will accomplish my goals by doing the following:
1. Handing my homework on time.
2. Showing enthusiasm for the work I learn in class.
3. Participating and offering opinions.
4. Helping my classmates when they need it.
5. Having pride for my work.
6. Being responsible for my actions.
7. Showing respect to my teachers.
8. Learning from my mistakes.
9. Believing that nothing is difficult.


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