Sunday, April 03, 2005

Mother Nature

R. Milian

Mother Nature
R. Milian

Alone in the park,
My wife and I walk the desolate spring day.
The heavy rains spill over the scenery like a summer shadow extending its tentacles in all directions. The umbrella we carry becomes our uninvited guest.
We move forward along the open path with an army of October trees on either side.

Everything is grey except for our golden eyes.
A few raindrops try to invade our private space, interrupting our conversation.
The solitude of the morning opens its arms and welcomes us into the day.

Holding hands like young adolescents, we laugh at the rain.
The dreariness of the day won’t ruin our spirits.
In fact, the emptiness of the landscape is delightful, and sounds which we have never heard before enter our ears.

Nature comes alive during quiet moments.
We pay attention to its sounds.
We are like children returning to paradise.


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